PhD in Physics

Pursuing a PhD in Physics is a challenging yet rewarding journey, offering a deep dive into the fundamental principles that govern matter and their wide-ranging applications. The degree program spans four years, during which students engage in rigorous coursework and develop specialized knowledge in various fields of physics, such as quantum theory, condensed matter, nanotechnology, materials science, optics and photonics, nuclear technology, and medical physics. A significant portion of the program is dedicated to original research, culminating in a dissertation that offers new insights to the field. Earning a PhD in Physics prepares individuals for careers in academia, research, or industry, where they can apply their expertise to tackle complex scientific challenges.


Theoretical physics

Nanotechnology and Materials Science

Optics and photonics

Nuclear Technology

Medical Physics

Fields of studies

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Theoretical physics

Up-to-date knowledge in solid-state physics, statistical physics, and quantum systems. Focused on honing problem-solving and modeling skills to analyze and understand scientific phenomena effectively.

Solid State Physics

Complex Magnetic Structres

Atomic Scale Simulations

Quantum Computing

Complex Networks and
Data Science


Exotic Quantuphases

Ultracold Atoms

Quantum Field Theory

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Nanotechnology and Materials Science

Nanotechnology involves manipulating matter at the atomic and molecular scale, enabling the creation of materials and devices with novel properties and functions, while materials science studies the relationship between the structure, properties, and performance of materials, driving innovations in various fields by developing advanced materials with tailored characteristics.

Quantum Technology

Two-dimensional Meterials

Neuromorphic Computing

Semiconductor Technology

Surface Physics

Spintronics and Nanomagnetism


Superconducting Nanocircuits

Self-organized Nanostructures

Modern Experimental Methods in Materials Science

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Optics and Photonics

Optics studies the behavior, properties, and interactions of light, including its reflection, refraction, and diffraction. Photonics builds on optics, focusing on the generation, manipulation, and detection of light (photons) to develop technologies like lasers, fiber optics, and optical communication systems.

Femtosecond lasers and their applications

Quantum Light Sources

Optical Planning and Measurement Techniques

Photonic devices



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Nuclear Technology

Nuclear technology involves the use of nuclear reactions, particularly fission and fusion, to produce energy, create medical isotopes, and develop applications in fields like medicine, industry, and defense. It encompasses the design and operation of nuclear reactors, the management of nuclear materials, and the development of nuclear-based innovations, such as power generation and radiation therapies.

Reactor Physics and Nuclear Measurement Techniques



Fusion Power

Radiation Protection

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Medical Physics

Medical physics is a field that applies principles of physics to medicine, focusing on the development and application of techniques for diagnosis, treatment, and research. This includes areas like medical imaging, radiation therapy, and the design of medical devices, where physics is used to improve patient care and advance healthcare technologies.


Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Nuclear medicine


Our former students are already succesful researchers! Join us!

„In his doctoral thesis, Ábel Sulyok dealt with the examination of a display (Head-Up Display, HUD) projected onto the windshield of cars. Since the results of the research have a good chance of being used in the development of next-generation displays, Ábel, together with his doctoral supervisor and a partner with business experience, founded a knowledge utilization (spin-off) company, the purpose of which is the further development and business utilization of the results patented by the university.”

Ábel Sulyok

„After completing my doctorate, I started working at Mediso., which develops medical imaging devices. In addition to the physics workgroup, I closely collaborate with all areas of development and often engage directly with manufacturing and the users. Alongside my development work, I also participate in the medical physics master’s program at BME.”

Kálmán Nagy

As a reactor physicist at Paks Nuclear Power Plant Zrt., I benefit a lot from the experience gained at BME Physics, where I was involved in the development of the concept of supercritical water-cooled small modular reactors already as a master’s student.

Holl Viktor

„The knowledge I acquired at BME provided a solid foundation for my research work. During my doctoral studies, thanks to my supervisor’s collaborations, I was able to conduct research at Harvard as well. Later, I received a research position in Munich, and subsequently at the Kavli Institute of the University of California, focusing on the theoretical investigation of correlated quantum systems.”

Izabella Lovas

„During the last years of my doctorate, I started working on electromagnetic compatibility at Bosch’s development center in Budapest. Currently, I lead a development team working in this field, and as a Bosch Scientist, I work to promote collaboration between the University and Bosch.”

Balázs Gyüre-Garami

„At Semilab., I work on developing measurement techniques for the solar cell industry, heavily relying on the theoretical and practical knowledge I gained from my physics education at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. The Institute of Physics of BME also provided significant professional support for my doctoral research, which focuses on the development of industrial measuring devices.”

Dávid Krisztián

„I graduated as a physicist from BME, where I earned my doctorate in molecular electronics, and then I conducted research in two-dimensional electronics at the University of Basel. I am very pleased that I can continue these nanotechnology research projects, which require advanced experimental equipment, upon returning to BME, with the support of a Momentum research group and a European Union ERC grant.”

Péter Makk

Budapest, Műegyetem rkp. 3, 1111